Maurice Hermans
is a Dutch artist


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Intro in Situ, Maastricht


AUW - ARK D-0 (2024)

Photobook O O  OO   AA
Order below, released summer 2024

‘The grey-haired should not bury those with black hair’, the saying goes. When there is unacceptable loss, in the case of a young child's death or suicide, those left behind are left with big questions. 

Hermans' debut as a photographer presents a poetic-photographic account of unacceptable loss. It’s the result of a three-year long proces that leads via Paris in 1973 to an off-the-grid cottage in the Sud-Eifel to seclusion during both corona lockdowns in 2021 and 2022.

The book contains three visual stories. and two additional texts layers with a contributen of Dutch writer Anton Dautzenberg and Dutch graphic designer -SYB-.


Tuesday 3 September 2024 

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ISBN 978-90-9038979-0September 2024 Author: Maurice HermansPhotography: Maurice Hermans,  Thijmen Hermans, Wim Hermans, Philip Driessen, Eva-Katrien SchröderEditing: Edie Peters & Maurice HermansEssay: Anton DautzenbergDesign & Edit: -SYB-Production: Jos Morree Fine BooksPrint: DieKeureLithografie: WAB/MariskaBinder: Van Hees-Patist Boekbinders

© 2024

Patchwork IBA Parkstad (2022)
Internationale Bauaustellung Parkstad

For the first time in history, the Internationale Bauausstellung or IBA isbeing held outside Germany, in Parkstad- Limburg, the Netherlands. What started as an exhibition for modern construction in 1901, has developed into an urban planning instrument that often provides a powerful impulse to the local economy, public space and society.

Read the authors’ statement, spoken on 1st September 2022.
Photo by Pascal Moors

De Antistad (2016)
Pionier van kleiner groeien

The Antistad shows the development history of the Netherlands' most aging, most transitional and, according to some, most failed city: Heerlen. 

Decades of growth pushed the phenomenon of urban shrinkage to the background and raises the question: how do we grow smaller? How do we built cities smaller? Shrinkage as the accelerator of change.

Read: column Maurice Hermans ‘De Antistad’
Video: Homes for All #9
Review: Rooilijn
Review: Platform31

ISBN 978-94-6208-285-4 | May 2016 | Maurice Hermans | design: Piet Gerards Ontwerpers | Dutch | paperback | 17 x 24 cm | 224 pag. | geillustreerd (120 kleur en zw/w) | with the support of: Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Parkstad Limburg en kenniscentrum NEIMED

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